Guest Speaker / Lecturer for over 400 local, regional, and national groups including:
2002 Florida Conference of County Court Judges Florida Sheriff’s Association Florida Metropolitan University
Financial Institution Security Officers Association National Conference on Fraud & Loss Prevention Orlando Public Defenders Office
Florida Association of Licensed Investigators Orlando College Criminal Justice Department Mortgage Bankers Association
National Association of Legal Investigators Florida Hospital Association Club Managers Association of America
Simon-Debartolo Group Seminole County Bar Association ITT Technical Institute
American Society for Industrial Security Florida Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys Jacksonville Beach Police Department
State Farm Insurance South Florida Investigators Association Everest University Forensics Dept.
UNF Criminal Justice Department National Association of Document Examiners Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Fla. Department of Corrections St. John's Dinner Club
Volie A. Williams, Jr. Inn of Court Lorman Seminars for Attorneys Mayo clinic
Princess Cruise Lines Florida State Assoc. of Supervisors of Elections Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
University of Florida at Gainesville FBI Jacksonville CAAA Charlotte & Broward County Elections
Clay, Citrus, Duval, Volusia, & Sumter County Elections Association of Former Intelligence Officers
"...And You Can Quote Me!"
"Excellent"...Jim Wright, J.A. Wright & Associates, Inc.
"Fascinating...very informative"...Don Sherwood, Equifax Services, Inc.
"Outstanding!"...Anna Gail Heinzerling, Lockheed Martin
"Very informative and interesting"...Lisa Farrall, Harris Corporation
"Great presentation!"...Lisa Tate, United Space Alliance
"Delightful, interesting, and information packed."...Shirley Olsen, Tupperware
"Thoroughly enjoyed...very educational."...Erin Reiter, Action Ad Specialties
"Too brief - very interesting"...Paula Zitzenberger, St. Petersburg Police Department
"Very interesting."...Mike McCann, NationsBank
"Your presentation clearly illustrated the many factors involved in forensic handwriting analysis and was fascinating
to hear you."...Nancy Oesch, FMU Criminal Justice Dept. Chair.
"Your excellent presentation regarding handwriting identification procedures was enjoyed by all and we certainly look
forward to having you back in the future."...Jamie Groik, Melbourne Square Mall General Manager.
"Thank you for your fascinating presentation. You provided us with interesting insights and observations through the
world of handwriting! The evening was enjoyed by all!"...Susan Bresnahan, Women's Army Corp.
"Great article about you in the Tribune Newspaper!"...Patti Generale, State Farm
"His signature skill - finding clues through handwriting!"...Adam Chrzan, Press Journal
"You are a master in your arena and we enjoyed your sharing your knowledge. I have recommended you as a speaker at our
state and national conventions."...Peter Crummey, Crummey Investigations, Inc.
"The attendees rated your presentation 'Excellent' in all respects."...Robert Parke, Regional Director, NALI
"...not only informative but fascinating as well."...John Levey, Broad & Cassel P.A.
"...the handwriting analysis portion of the conference was my favorite!"...Pam Cook, Florida Sheriffs Association